Songbird The Web Music Player

Nih ini ada 1 lagi software pemutar musik yang menurutku udah komplit, menarik dan keren lagi neh. Namanya adalah song bird. dan berikut ini adalah penjelasannya.
Songbird is an open-source customizable music player that's under active development.We're working on creating a non-proprietary, cross platform, extensible tool that will help enable new ways to playback, manage, and discover music. There are lots of ways to contribute your time to the project. We'd love your help!

There are several features we're proud of, but we'll be the first to admit that others need ironing out, are experimental, or are just plain missing. There's still a lot to do.
Songbird 1.1


purwaningtyas setiawati mengatakan…
mirip2 i-tunes gitu ya tampilannya
Remuz mengatakan…
iya kale, mungkin rada mirip i-tunes, cuma ada fasilitas + lirik dan plug in menarik lainnya. Juga bisa jadi web browser....lumayan lah...

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